Managing the obsolescence of BMS
The managinf of obsolescence of BMS is a big deal. Sometimes referred as MOC, “maintenance in operational conditions” or “obsolescence management” is the set of measures that must be taken to prevent or delay the obsolescence of electronic equipment as much as possible.
The issue of obsolescence of BMS
Electronic materials and components represent the lowest level of equipment definition, but their impact in the equipment can be very significant. Today, electronics are present in all the objects of our daily life. In professional sectors, systems can be expected to have long lifetimes and the subject of obsolescence of system components has to be considered.
The causes of obsolescence can be linked to the interruption of a manufacturing process, such as the disruption of raw material supplies, for example, but also to the cessation of the marketing of a product. Rapid technological change also accelerates this phenomenon of obsolescence. It is advisable to select electronic components that are in the growth or maturity phase and that have multiple sources of supply. The most critical electronic components should be monitored throughout their life cycle: this can delay obsolescence and facilitate their replacement by new electronic components.
Obsolescence management
Obsolescence management must start as early as the BMS design phases. It must allow the design of evolutionary architectures tolerant to obsolescence thanks to the possibility of partial redesign of the product.
The aim is to prevent cases of obsolescence, identify them, conduct impact analyses and then build and manage action plans (preventive or curative).
In case of component obsolescence of BMS
In case of obsolescence of one of the components that may impact the functionality of its products, the BMS partner must provide a document called PCN (Product Change Notification) to inform the customer of the changes made and their impact. These changes will be charged to the BMS Partner. By choosing its components with great care, this type of modification remains nevertheless extremely rare. The eventual requalification of the final product remains nevertheless at the customer’s expense.
BMS PowerSafe® ensures its customers the management of obsolescence throughout the life cycle of your product.
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