External powerbox | 750 A | CAN bus | Serializable | EN61508 | SIL2 compliant


Technical description
Cells management
- Possibility to connect in series several BMS in order to manage a battery pack with a voltage up to 1000 Volts (depending on precharge management)
- Management of 6 to 18 lithium cells in series* compatible with all cell technologies (NMC, LiFe, LiPo,…),
- Measurements accuracy:
- Cell voltages: +/- 5 mV
- Temperatures: +/- 1°C
- Management of 6 NTC temperature sensors
- 3 digital measurements used by the software
- 3 analogic measurements used by the hardware redundancy
- Hardware redundancy for voltage and temperature measurements in order to reach a high level of safety (SIL2 of EN61508 standard)
- Overcharge and undercharge, tunable by software
- Overtemperature and undertemperature, tunable by software
- Overcurrent: 2 levels in discharge, 1 level in discharge tunable by software
- Short circuit hardware protection (resettable electronic fuse)
- Passive balancing with a 150 mA bypass current per cell (on the BMS)
Power box
- Bidirectional measurement of the battery current with a hall effect sensor
- Charge and discharge management
- Power box management up to 750 A:
- Command of an external 12V electromechanical contactor**
- Command of a precharge circuit (included on the board or external)
- Possibility to control two additionnal 12V contactors**
Smart functions
- SOC and SOH calculation
- Advanced self-diagnostic of the board
- Communication by CAN bus 2.0B (opto-isolated)
- Motor controller management by CAN bus
- Charger management by CAN bus
- Advanced supervision software
- Black box integrated with defaults history storage and life counters
- Possibility to reprogram the firmware by CAN Bus
Power supply/consumption
- Supply of the BMS directly on the battery pack
- Low consumption in standby mode: < 500 µA
Mechanical format
- 113 mm x 180 mm x 12 mm
- Can be potted to be used in harsh environment
* Factory setting
** No need for an external 12V supply
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